The Agile Store locator is a premium store finder wordpress plugin that is using Google Maps API V3 to render Stores List with markers, having so many advanced options and map customization features makes it the most advance Wordpres Store Locator Plugin.
Multiple Templates and Layouts
Multiple Templates with multiple layouts will make it easier to adjust it on your website. Templates itself have many color options which can be chosen from the solid color pallet.
Filter Stores Near your Location
Agile Store Locator supports prompt GeoLocation through which you can get to your current location, then apply filter stores by using the distance range slider to find a store near your current location.
Map Customization by Drawing Polygon, Circles, Polylines & Rectangles and Add Layers
MAP Customization gets easier with this Google Drawing feature, you can draw shapes with multiple colors on your agile store locator Map. Traffic, Transit and Bicycle layers can also be enabled and disabled.
Import/Export Using Excel Sheet
Agile Store Locator supports Import/Export of Stores through Excel Sheet Import. A XLS file is imported to fill up the stores list on your map.
Import/Export Using Excel Sheet
Agile Store Locator supports Import/Export of Stores through Excel Sheet Import. A XLS file is imported to fill up the stores list on your map.
DIRECTION Service Supported
Find a store can’t be easy without direction service, the plugin provides the feature to Draw direction from Point A to Point B with complete direction steps to find a location.
Time Switch
To view only those stores that were open at the time can be filtered through a simple switch on your advance filter. The switch works On/Off to show opened and closed stores at the current time.
MULTIPLE Language Supported with RTL
Our WordPress plugin can have any language that is used by the main store, the languages can be added easily by few simple steps (read more link to the documentation Language link).
SNAZZY Map Styles Supported
Map styles can be chosen from the given Snazzy Map Options under Agile Store Locator Plugin Setting.
Unlimited Marker icons are provided with the Agile Store Locator Plugin, If you have densely populated markers on same region just enable Clustering feature.
- Assign Multiple Categories to single Store
- Fetch Location Coordinates (Lat/Lng) as you type in store address
- Enable/Disable Marker Clustering
- Logo Manage Panel
- Marker Manage Panel
- Choose Stores Time Format 12 or 24 Hours
- Choose Distance unit Miles/KM
- Draggable Marker to PinPoint Location
- Manage Markers icons with names ( UPDATE, ADD and Delete)
- Manage Categories icons with names ( UPDATE, ADD and Delete)
- Import / Export Stores Excel Sheet with all the columns
- Delete All Stores with Single Click
- Choose a Google map type Hybrid, Roadmap, Satellite or Terrain
- Prompt Location show the dailog box for confirmation to share current location
- Show Distance to each Store from Current Location
- Set Default Zoom of your Map
- Load on bound fetch Only markers of the screen
- Custom Filter Option
- Show additional Information about Store
- Enable/Disable Advance Filter
- Show Category Icons instead of Marker icons
- Enable/Disable Distance Slider
- Set Default Lat/Lng of your Map
- Change Header Title
- Change font color
- Change Category Title
- Enable/Disable Store List Panel
- Search Stores with Search by search by Store ID, Title, Description, Street, State, City, Phone, Email, URL, Postal Code, Disabled, Marker, Start Time, End Time, Logo and Created Date.